Hertfordshire Pints of View

Mad Squirrel Tap & Bottle Shop

17 High Street
St. Albans
Emailku.oc.lgsr@snablats Telephone(01727) 236867
Real AleFamily FriendlyGardenLunchtime MealsEvening MealsDisabled AccessGamesSmokingLined GlassesFunction RoomDog FriendlyWiFiServes LocAleLive MusicMember Discount SchemeBeer Festivals
Regular beers: Mad Squirrel Trident

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

This former restaurant and bakery in the shadow of St Albans Cathedral has been converted into a venue with an unashamedly modern atmosphere but a reassuringly traditional welcome. Split over two levels with access from Heritage Close or Waxhouse Gate, the main bar is downstairs and boasts an array of beers across a range of styles. Three cask ales and a dozen or more keg offerings showcase Mad Squirrel's full standard and seasonal range plus guest beers mainly from smaller craft brewers - and if you can’t choose, a special 20-sided dice is available to decide for you! All beers are available in third and two-third measures as well as pints and halves and there are cans and bottles available to take away. CAMRA members may claim a discount on any draught beer by showing their membership card. Pizzas and other bar snacks available. Please note that cash is no longer accepted so all payment is by card only.