Hertfordshire Pints of View


2 Keyfield Terrace
St. Albans
Emailku.oc.snablatseviheebeht@reganam Telephone(01727) 811127
Real AleFamily FriendlyGardenLunchtime MealsEvening MealsGamesSmokingRestaurantDog FriendlyNewspapersSports TVWiFi

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This comfortable friendly pub has two separate drinking areas in addition to the main bar. All food provided by Ramen Electra Noodles. Three ever cjanging beers. A traditional style town pub, with a centrally located island bar. Timber floors throughout, set over split levels. Seating to bay windows at front. Steps down to snug area to side with timber paneled walls, sofa and armchair seating, rear area has painted timber paneled walls and double door access to patio garden. Car parking nearby. Several TV screens showing sport. Children allowed in garden only until 9pm. South Herts Highly Improved Pub Award 2024.