Hertfordshire Pints of View

Lower Red Lion

34-36 Fishpool Street
St. Albans
Emailku.oc.noilderrewol@tcatnoc Telephone(01727) 855669
Real AleReal FireGardenLunchtime MealsEvening MealsSeparate BarParkingSmokingDog FriendlyWiFiServes LocAleLive Music
Regular beers: Tring Side Pocket for a Toad

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

Both bars in this classic Grade II-listed pub, have plenty of character and history. Located in a conservation area between the city centre and the site of Roman Verulamium, the pub stands in one of St Albans' most picturesque streets. The Lower Red was an early champion of CAMRA's values in the real ale revival movement and continues to this day stocking quality cask beers. Home-made food is served lunchtimes and weekday evenings, and there is a large beer garden. Children are not admitted.